The "Issues of Law" Journal was created in 2003.
By the decision of the Higher Certification Board, since January 1, 2010
the “Issues of Law” journal has
been included into the List of leading reviewed scientific journals and
publications where the main research results for candidate's and
doctor's theses should be published.
The Journal has its own International Standard Serial Number (ISSN
The Journal is included into "Russian Post" catalog under index 73848.
The "Issues of Law" is included into Russian Science Citation Index
according to the agreement with Russian Scientific Electronic Library.
Mission: The journal "Problems of Law" positions itself as an open platform for communication between professional, initiative scientists, graduate students and specialists in the field of legal sciences, contributing to improving the quality of preparation and conduct of scientific research, improving domestic legislation and law enforcement practice.
Purpose: to promote free discussion and exchange of ideas of scientists, postgraduates and specialists, to create effective communication within the scientific legal community, as well as coverage of modern problems of legal science, ensuring continuity of legal science by providing opportunities for publication, both leading and novice researchers, facilitating the exchange of legal research results between Russian and foreign legal scholars.
The target audience of the magazine:
scientists, university professors, representatives of state authorities and public institutions, graduate students, students and other persons interested in theoretical and applied issues of law.
Since 2022, the structure of the journal includes the following headings:
5.1.1 – theoretical and historical legal sciences (legal sciences), 5.1.2 - public law (state law) sciences (legal sciences),
5.1.3 – private law (civil law) sciences (legal sciences),
5.1.4 – criminal law (legal sciences).
E.V. Kunts, Doctor of Law, Professor,
Production editor Sogrin E. K.
Executive Secretary Andriadis E.Yu.
Layout Schreiber A. E.
Proofreader Fedorov V.B.
Publisher: LLC "South Ural Legal Bulletin"
Director Sogrin E.K.
Editorial office and publisher's address: 76 V.I.Lenin Ave., SUSU, Publishing Center, Chelyabinsk, 454080,
Tel./fax (351) 267-97-01.
The journal is registered with the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications in the Chelyabinsk region. Certificate of PI No. TU-7401322 dated 25.04.2017