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Issues of Law №6 2015г.

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Scientific School

Lebedev V. A.

The concept and structure of the legislative system of the Russian Federation in the domestic constitutional and legal doctrine

Titova E. V.

Some aspects of the constitutional axiological lawful behavior

Minbaleev A. V.

Issues of protection production secrets as a trade secret

Chetvertakova E. S.

On the question of the effectiveness of legal regulation and law enforcement

Koneva N. S.

Separate methodological features of the study sectors left belonging to the category «immunity»

Shumova Y. V.

Some problems of legal regulation inclusive approach to education

Povny D. A.

Regulation and organization of modern pre-school education in Russia

Burtovoj M. Yu.

About some types of administrative violations in the energy sector

Kalina E. S.,

Merkuryeva A. I.

To a question about the concept “public administration”

Ignatova M. S.

On the estimation of quality of public service

Knyazeva I. N.,

Soschenko D. D.

Institute of the court order in the proceedings on cases of administrative offenses

Zubenko V. M.

Some questions of administrative liability of legal persons

Kuryatnikov V. V.

Features of the model of constitutional justice in Russian Federation

Galkina M. V.

To the question of legal regulation of state control (supervision) in the sphere of education

Derho D. S.

To the question about the optimal regulatory pathways regulate the convening and activities of the constitutional Assembly

Voloshina M. A.

On the problem of improving the quality of provision of electronic public services and building-up of e-government in the Russian Federation

Petrechuk A. S.

Legal regulation of advertising of medical services in the Russian Federation

Constitution, state and sociiety

Bezrukov A. V.

The role of the judiciary in the system of ensuring constitutional order in Russia

Kudinov V. V.

Privacy and protection of the state border: issues of constitutional and legal regulation (the experience of Russia and the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union)

Petrov K. S.

About demarcate legal structure of administrative offenses and crimes related to violation of the Russian legislation on state secrets gosu

Puchkova V. V.

The constitutional right of citizens to health care in Russia: ways of civil protection

Theory of state and law

Udartsev I. O.

Again to the question of the concept of realize law

Civil law

Khrushcheleva T. S.

Juridical quasi-acts and juridical acts: in search of new criterion to distinction

Administrative law

Gorovenko S. V.

Improving the mechanism of administrative-legal protection of the rights of the data subject in exercising the illegal SMS-mailing

Danilova N. V.

Problems of differentiation of checks and inspections raid at the state environmental supervision

Ivanova S. V.

Performing the collection as a measure of administrative responsibility in the executive production

Kozlova L. S.

Establishment of the administrative responsibility for the offence of legislation about state and municipal services provision as a guarantee of realisation of the constitutional principle of the priority of person’ sand citizen’s rights and freedoms

Korkin A. V.

Improving the rights of the police to improve the efficiency of the administrative and legal crime prevention in the residential sectorе

Civil and Criminal Procedure

Darovskikh S. M.

Ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of parties to criminal proceedings in the use of information and communication technologies

Darovskikh O. I.

On the question of procedural form of criminal proceedings

Proshlyakov A. D., Merzlyakova M. V.

Problems of the appeal of judgments by default

Kim E. P.,

Mitskaya E. V.

Some issues of the development of particular methods of investigation of crimes in the sphere of falsification of alcohol production

Criminal legal doctrine

Belyaeva I. M.,

Nacharkina O. V.

The grounds for refusal in the extradition of perpetrators of crimes

Bezuglyi S. N.

Qualifications illegal sale of narcotics with the partial realization of intent in the light of changes in the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court

Krasutskikh L. V.,

Belyaeva I. M.

Some questions of liberation from criminal punishment due to illness

Kirienko M. S.

The purpose of defining the role of the Constitution of the Russian Federation for the system of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Evstratenko E.

Qualifications illicit traffic in narcotic drugs in the light of the Resolution of Plenum of the Supreme Court from 30.06.2015

Gorbatova M. A.

A decision of moment of completion of driving away in judicial practice

Schipanova N. I.,

Kukhtina T. V.

Questions of insanity in some foreign countries

Degtyareva O. L.

Execution of the penalty of correctional labor

Tsoy O. R.

Suicide and self harm: in the context of penitentiary suicidology

Degtyareva O. L.

The performance measures of criminal and legal character in the form of a suspended sentence

Concerns and views

Georgieva T. P.,

Mikulina E. V.,

Gadirova S. V.

Urban development as an area of implementation of municipal democracy


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